
From canSAS

2012-07-28 Notes of Discussions

  • Data storage formats
    • sasCIF
    • newer standard for publishing bio SAXS data in IUCr journals (doesn't specify format, but includes data validation)
    • canSAS1d
    • NeXus
    • IUCr Diffraction Data Deposition Working Group proposal, SAS Commission response to proposal, & whether proposal would impact SAS data standardization
  • NeXus main page
    • How to find links to Definitions and Examples? Make better main page links.
      • NAPI examples don't work (Ron Ghosh). What is the problem? Fix?
      • Needs more help oriented for data consumers
    • NXiqproc
  • IUCr World Database of Crystallographers
    • Is this list contemporary?
      • Who are the consumers of this information?
      • Are standard terms codified?
      • Search for "small-angle" or "small angle" is not as useful as "SAXS" or "SANS"
      • SAS does not consider itself under "Crystallography"