
From canSAS


Katie Weigandt Leading

The Anton Paar rheoSAS community is large and international. Can we form an organizing group to request collective help from Anton Paar with respect to better interfacing between SAS instruments and rheometers?

ESS has draft protocols for a Raspberry Pi sample environment control system... could this become a portable standard?

Disseminate information about dynamics/kinetics capabilities of various instruments to the community at large. Table (time/q resolution). Case studies?

Access mode for long term kinetics.

Mail in sample services.

Could we create a common proposal market place (apply to multiple facilities/beamlines)?

Local vs Distant users. Users who are not living near facilites are left out of rapid access opportunities. Perhaps we could give them the chance to turn it down or not.

New user manuals/good beamline manuals.

Up to date instrument change logs would be appreciated.

New technique of interest: FEL (Free Electron Laser)... nanocrystal protein structures...

Robots are the way of the future... Won't replace people but allow scientist to spend more time on science and less time on simple repetitive tasks.

Analysis for GISAS of non-ordered/complicated structures (polymers/blends/OPVs...) is not sufficiently developed. Who's responsibility is this? Users/Facilities? Theoreticians/experimentalists? Could MD simulations help? How about an Atomistic/or coarse grained GISAS simulator? What type of metadata should be included in data files for modeling/simulations? We have a lot of questions here, but not so many answers.